
[Gone Under Sea — Elec­tre­lane]

It’s quite a grey day, and when colours are mis­sing, I’d rather be next to an ocean, but I’m not even close yet.

Thus, on this dull eve­ning, I loo­ked for solace in the com­pany of one of the most legen­dary ligh­thouses of the french atlan­tic coast, Ar’men, which in the bre­ton tongue means, the rock. It is amongst the rare off­shore ligh­thouses and one of those  kee­pers refer­red to as ‘Hell’. There were also ‘Pur­ga­to­ries’ and ‘Para­dises’, obviously. And about this par­ti­cu­lar ligh­thouse, I found this video of 1962, shortly des­cri­bing the life in this inha­bi­ted bea­con which is meant to keep ships from wre­cking on the shal­lows west­ward from the Isle of Sein.

I’m post­ing it because I enjoyed as much the topic than the gra­phics star­ting and ending the sub­ject. They dis­play type­faces by Roger Excof­fon, namely Antique Olive Nord for the titles, and Cham­bord for the ending credits.

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