Archive for the ‘Caractères / Type’ Category

In progress

Friday, August 3rd, 2012


Monday, July 30th, 2012

Carving on sandstone

Saturday, July 28th, 2012


Stone carving

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Fengardo Neue

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Fen­gardo was the first step of a hike I took on among the moun­tains of type design. I had good shoes, a wal­king stick, I met some wise she­pherds who poin­ted me to the nice spots and use­ful springs. Now I feel ready to set­tle on the shady side of the hill, to get to know the place as my own. Fen­gardo Neue is a sign stuck in the ground there: “Here stops the hike. Beyond, I will walk tho­roughly every day.”

I lear­ned to draw let­ter­forms with Fen­gardo, then I wide­ned my gaze on other forms, to bet­ter unders­tand the for­mer, in com­pa­ri­son. And sud­denly some­thing chan­ged, I felt able to decide wether a dra­wing see­med fine or not. It might seem a mar­vel­lous hap­pe­ning, but fee­ling the abi­lity to judge doesn’t make the jud­ge­ment neces­sa­rily good. It’s from this point for­ward that expe­rience must be built, this one thing that refines judgement.

It were other shapes than Fengardo’s that made me reach first matu­rity. Fen­gardo is born of too vague a concept and of a will to assemble too many things toge­ther, which is some­times the case in student pro­jects. When I finally felt confi­dent enough about my jud­ge­ment and skills, I deci­ded to sort the heads of the Hydra a bit. I never inten­ded to make an exem­plary type­face, nor one meant to be sold for that mat­ter. Today I want to put an end to this story, clo­sing the chap­ter of stu­dies to enter the one that deals with the gathe­ring of expe­rience. I have other pro­jects, more serious ones, that this time are meant to reach the mar­ket even­tually, and it is on those that I wish to work fully now.

So here comes Fen­gardo Neue, refi­ned ver­sion of Fen­gardo. For now the type­face is com­po­sed of two weights, regu­lar and black. I noti­ced the ita­lics of the for­mer ver­sion see­med to be more suc­cess­ful that the other styles, which came as a sur­prise. This is why I shall also pro­vide new ita­lics; they’re on the way. I chose to add ‘Neue’ to keep the name while avoi­ding any confu­sion with the first ver­sion, and among the euro­pean pos­si­bi­li­ties to say ‘new’, the ger­man word is the one keen to my eye.

Fen­gardo Neue is dis­tri­bu­ted by VTF, a somew­hat insu­bor­di­nate and out of the ordi­nary foun­dry that pro­vides free fonts under the OFL SIL licence. The evol­ving web has exten­ded the reach of typo­gra­phy in the clouds of the Inter­net. The net­work also bears the open-source ideo­logy which is a cause I gladly befriend without fee­ling the will yet to acti­vely take part in it. So as a sym­pa­thi­zer, this is a tiny gift to this com­mu­nity, I hope it will be use­ful to some.

This is the end of a time in my course, which will be com­ple­tely past when I finish the remai­ning italics.

To conclude, a tiny comparison.

Fen­gardo Neue at Vel­ve­tyne Type Foun­dry
Fen­gardo Neue PDF Specimen


Sunday, January 29th, 2012

A gol­den print, pre­text for a dual type specimen.

Et vidéo:


Monday, December 26th, 2011

Didot S, M & L

Saturday, December 17th, 2011